0 7 mins
Academia China
Due to this Xi Jingping who now has a same title as Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, he will play a much more greater role compared to his predecessor Hu.
The experts claim general claim on this topic is that Xi will not show a replacement until the last minute. 
China Communist Party’s 19th National congress will start in Beijing in October 18. It is estimated that the congress will last for a week. In this period what was done in the last five years will be disgusted, there will be changes made about the executive staff and national policies will be decided. 
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China Communist Party’s 19th National Congress will start in Beijing in October 18. It is estimated that the congress will last for a week. In this period what was done in the last five years will be disgusted, there will be changes made about the executive staff and national policies will be decided.

The most important topic which congress needs to be carful about is Xi Jinping’s position inside CCP. Last year, Xi Jinping which was raised to be the main leader, had his authority increased inside the party. While Xi was one of the equals of Hu Jintao, who was the main leader before Xi. He was raised  to a higher position int the Politburo Central Committee which allowed him to have the power to approve and veto.Due to this Xi Jingping who now has a same title as Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, he will play a much more greater role compared to his predecessor Hu. Moreover, it will be clear wether or not his ideologies which will effect the constitution of the party have his name. In case such a privilege which only Mao and Deng had is given to Xi, the Chinese leader’s authority on his party and on his people’s view will be solidified.

Xi’s very much dedication when it comes to shaping his parties staffs, by some analysts’s comments suggest that CCP’s second period and age limit conventions will not be cared about by Xi. Xi which is working to change China’s foreign policy which is closed and unable to…


Is anti-Islamism rising in China?
In the past few years, Islamophobia or anti-Islamic rhetoric, especially
7  prohibited topics and authoritarianism in China
For a long time, it is said that there is
Why are cold winds blowing in relations between Turkey and China?
Whenever the Turkish and Chinese authorities come together, they usually
Interesting details of China’s “Anti-Terrorism Law”  
China adopted the first anti-terrorism law in December of the
By Academia China Published on May 2, 2017
1 2 mins
Academia China
The central government will act strictly in line with the Constitution and the Basic Law, to ensure that the implementation

Premier Li Keqiang signed an administrative order on Friday appointing Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor as the fifth chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The SAR’s chief executive election was conducted in accordance with the Basic Law, the decisions of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee and the election laws of Hong Kong, Li said at a full State Council meeting in Beijing on Friday.

Lam won the election on Sunday with 777 of 1,163 valid votes, showing the Hong Kong public’s wide recognition of, trust in and expectations from Lam, Li said.

She will take the oath of office on July 1.

According to the Basic Law, the chief executive is the head of the Hong Kong SAR government, carrying great responsibilities.

The central government will continue to fully implement the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” with a high degree of autonomy, Li said.

The central government will act strictly in line with the Constitution and the Basic Law, to ensure that the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” will never be bent or distorted, he…


Beijing in new energy taxi move
Beijing is aiming to gradually replace its petrol-powered taxis with
New zone seen as a role model for growth
International experts and media reports say China’s new economic zone
China, Jordan highlight increased cooperation for 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties
AMMAN, April 3 (Xinhua) — Jordan and China are exploring
Xi says nation’s plan and Finland’s vision dovetail
Enhanced cooperation expected in such areas as entrepreneurship, innovation China
Beijing is aiming to gradually replace its petrol-powered taxis with greener, new engergy vehicles to help reduce air pollution starting from this year. The plan is contained in a discussion document on preventing and solving air pollution problems in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and neighboring provinces, which was issued on February 14, according to National Business Daily. All petrol-and diesel-powered taxis being taken out of service would need to be replaced by electric or liquid petroleum
/ May 2
AMMAN, April 3 (Xinhua) — Jordan and China are exploring opportunities to boost cooperation in fields of energy, infrastructure and trade, Chinese ambassador to Jordan Pan Weifang said on Monday. Commending strong ties between the two counties, Pan said a Chinese mall called “Dragon Mall” will be opened in Amman in September. The mall, which stretches across over 20,000 square metres, will contain 200 stores and restaurants in addition to parking lots that can accommodate
/ May 2
International experts and media reports say China’s new economic zone will help relieve the burdens of Beijing as a metropolis, promote regional coordinated development and create a new growth pole for China, setting an example for developing economies. China announced on Saturday that it would establish the Xiongan New Area in North China’s Hebei province, as part of measures to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Bambang Suryono, an Indonesian scholar and president
/ May 2
Enhanced cooperation expected in such areas as entrepreneurship, innovation China and Finland will have more cooperation in areas including innovation, entrepreneurship, clean energy, bio-economy and arctic research, President Xi Jinping said in a signed newspaper article on Monday, ahead of his state visit to the Nordic country. In the article published by the Helsinki Times, Xi said China and Finland have complementary economies and both sides have benefitted from cooperation. “China’s 13th Five-Year Plan dovetails
/ May 2



Interesting details of China’s “Anti-Terrorism Law”  

/ May 24
China adopted the first anti-terrorism law in December of the last year that we have passed. Unlike the bag laws in Turkey, China’s anti-terrorism legislation, which has undergone a long
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Premier says election win clearly shows public’s confidence in her to lead SAR
Premier Li Keqiang signed an administrative order on Friday appointing Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor as the fifth chief executive of the
Beijing in new energy taxi move
Beijing is aiming to gradually replace its petrol-powered taxis with greener, new engergy vehicles to help reduce air pollution starting
New zone seen as a role model for growth
International experts and media reports say China’s new economic zone will help relieve the burdens of Beijing as a metropolis,
China, Jordan highlight increased cooperation for 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties
AMMAN, April 3 (Xinhua) — Jordan and China are exploring opportunities to boost cooperation in fields of energy, infrastructure and
0 view 10 mins
Chinese Mosque
Academia China
One of the most important social issues of the Chinese agenda over the past two weeks was the anti-Islamic rhetoric and the controversial debate over the Weibo, a micro-blogging site known as China's Twitter, with more than 300 million active users.

In the past few years, Islamophobia or anti-Islamic rhetoric, especially in the western world, has tended to become a global discourse along with the Middle Eastern and Islamic world.  In China, which has more than 23 million Muslim population according to official figures, and several times more than that according to unofficial ones, such tendencies have begun to find their place.

One of the most important social issues of the Chinese agenda over the past two weeks was the anti-Islamic rhetoric and the controversial debate over the Weibo, a micro-blogging site known as China’s Twitter, with more than 300 million active users. First of all, we need to open a separate parenthesis for the Weibo micro blog platform. In China, where the media have not been able to fully develop in the private sector, social media, which the people mostly attend, have a very important and distinct place in order to find out how busy the social agenda is. Among them, Weibo is an instrument where people can reflect their opinions, thoughts and criticisms more comfortably and freely than other platforms.

The recent debate in China on anti-Islamic rhetoric is based on the proposal of the “Halal Food Law”, which was originally drafted in 2002. For the first time in 2002,…

For a long time, it is said that there is no return from liberty, basic human values, and democracy in the world. With the experience that China gained from its competition with the western civilization in the medieval, it shaped its political system along side with the  consensus on the protection of individual rights and freedoms in public view. With all of these developments and its success in many branches like education , law and
/ Jun 21
China adopted the first anti-terrorism law in December of the last year that we have passed. Unlike the bag laws in Turkey, China’s anti-terrorism legislation, which has undergone a long preparatory phase and has the qualities to affect every stage of life. The officials from China’s National People’s congress said that the laws that they have passed were inspired by the countries that have succeeded in fighting terrorism. And against critics that said that the
/ May 24
Whenever the Turkish and Chinese authorities come together, they usually say, “We are two friendly nations on the historical Silk Road, and culturally we have so many similarities.” These words are no longer available. China’s attitude toward Turkey after the downing of Russian warplane suggests that these words cannot be said now or any time soon. Relations between the two countries are remarkably less than in previous years. The cold winds that are high in
/ Jun 1
After new president Tsai of Taiwan took the office and formed the new government, the new cabinet of Ministers the new policies also emerged. One of the most discussed one and probably one of the most important one among all others is so called “New Southbound Policy” which aims an opening strategy toward Southeast Asian countries. Right after policy draft arose, DPP government decided to form an office responsible for implementing and developing the policy.
/ May 16
Premier says election win clearly shows public’s confidence in her to lead SAR
Premier Li Keqiang signed an administrative order on Friday appointing Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor as the fifth chief executive of the
Beijing in new energy taxi move
Beijing is aiming to gradually replace its petrol-powered taxis with greener, new engergy vehicles to help reduce air pollution starting
New zone seen as a role model for growth
International experts and media reports say China’s new economic zone will help relieve the burdens of Beijing as a metropolis,
China, Jordan highlight increased cooperation for 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties
AMMAN, April 3 (Xinhua) — Jordan and China are exploring opportunities to boost cooperation in fields of energy, infrastructure and

What is being talked on the backstage of Beijing while China’s 19th Party Congress is getting closer ? 

China Communist Party’s 19th National Congress will start in Beijing in October 18. It is estimated that the congress will last for a week. In this period what was done in the last five years
Academia China